PhD student
Sorbonne Université
Email: melina(dot)verger(at)lip6(dot)fr
Institutional webpage, SCAI webpage, Google Scholar
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I am a PhD student in Computer Science at LIP6, Sorbonne Université. My research focuses on fairness in artificial intelligence (IA) and machine learning (ML) used in education (human learning). I studied AI at Université Paris-Saclay, where Isabelle Guyon was one of my professors, and I did my research internship under the supervision of Hugo Jair Escalante, Isabelle Guyon, and Marc Evrard. Prior to this, I graduated as an engineer from Arts et Métiers (ENSAM).
My open source Python library: maddlib
My press article: The Conversation (in French)
PhD student in CS, Sorbonne University, 2021 - Present
MS student in CS, Paris-Saclay University, 2020 - 2021
MS student in Eng., Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), 2017 - 2020
Safe education
I support Charlotte Espel's work on Etudiantes en terrain miné.