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PhD in Computer Science
Sorbonne Université
Email: melina(dot)verger(at)lip6(dot)fr
Institutional webpage, Google Scholar

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I hold a PhD (defense on Dec. 20, 2024) in Computer Science at Sorbonne Université, in LIP6 lab. Prior to this, I completed a Master’s degree in engineering in 2020 and turned to AI research by pursuing a Master 2 (international track) at Université Paris-Saclay in 2021.

My research focuses on fair machine learning in education and how AI can support human learning. My thesis was in particular on the discovery, measurement, characterization, and reduction of algorithmic unfairness arising from AI models used in educational contexts. As a result of my work, I developed a Python library, maddlib, that provides tools for doing so with the MADD metric. My research approach, that can be both theoretical and experimental, is to face scientific challenges to serve societal issues.

In addition, I am involved as a reviewer for some journals and conferences (IJAIED, JEDM, ICCE, RKDE). I organized the NewInML workshop at ICML 2022. I have taught Python and C programming, data science and databases classes at Sorbonne University, and I took part in the PhD students’ council of LIP6.

My press article: The Conversation (in French)

PhD student in CS, Sorbonne University, Nov. 2021 - Dec. 2024
MS student in CS, Paris-Saclay University, 2020 - 2021
MS student in Eng., Arts et Métiers (ENSAM), 2017 - 2020

Safe education

I support Charlotte Espel's work on Etudiantes en terrain miné.